Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Potty training-take 2!

So before Hadley was born I decided it would be a good time to at least introduce Gracen to the concept of the potty. Little did I know that she would take so well to it and within 2 weeks we were only wearing diapers at night and on outings (just in case). I was so excited, no more changing her diapers, no more buying her diapers. If only if it were that easy...

Around Christmas time, she decided she was done. 3 months of the good life and that was enough for her. She now refused to go on the potty. Bah! What are you supposed to do in that situation? Not sure if she was jealous of Hadley (doubtful, she loves that girl to death) but I've heard of instances when older children regress due to the new baby. But I think she was just lazy (after all we are related).

Anyhoo, I decided it was high time to try again. So this week we've been working on it, and have made some progress! We've gone a couple times a day. And she is starting to get more and more in to it. Hopefully this time around it will stick! We can only hope...

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Good luck! I posted that recipe on my blog (under the March 30th post). I hope you enjoy it!