Monday, November 8, 2010

Let's get organized

this year Daddy got his Christmas present early (uh way early)
and just what do you get for a guy who says he doesn't want anything?
something he secretly wants :)

well he didn't technically want this
but he did want the effect that it has on our household

i spent many hours reseraching what it was exactly i wanted
and of course did mucho comparison shopping
and ended up getting a great deal

what is it you ask?
are you dying with anticipation yet?
well don't be it's not all THAT exciting :)

but here she is:

isn't she pretty?
i put it together all by myself!
(insert pat on the back here)

we always seem to have a problem with toys strewn just about everywhere,
but not with this beaut!
she's nestled right next to the couch
there's enough room where the kids can get the toys out
but also they're not in the WIDE open begging to be thrown all over the floor!

today Hadley decided the bins themselves made great toys!

At least we know we got our money's worth!!


Smiling is Good for Your Teeth said...

I am your newest follower! Congrats on getting organized! I need to drink the same water you are because I need to organize my stuff!!

Kelly said...

LOL of COURSE she wanted to play with the bins! :) Congrats on getting so organized!