Friday, October 29, 2010

Fill in the blank Friday

Fill in the blank Friday... What a fun thing! Link up and play along!
1.   My Halloween plans this year will include      Taking my sweet little girls trick-or-treating! Gracen's going to be a flapper, and Hadley's a bumblebee! Then back to our house to hand out candy to the older trick-or-treaters that last a little longer than a 2.5 year old and a 1 year old!

2.  My most memorable Halloween costume was   when I was Jasmine from Aladdin. My Mom hand made my costume and it was AWESOME. although I was super mad because in KS at the end of October, it's cold and the rents made me where a TURTLENECK underneath. THE MADNESS! :)

3.  For Halloween this year I'm going to be       a Geisha. My Dad had a business trip in Japan, and brought me back a Kimono!!

4.  I've always wanted to dress up as   ohh thats tough. A rockette! I looove their costumes, and the Christmas spectacular especially.

5.  Halloween free association!      pumpkin seeds, jack-o-lanterns... CANDY!

7.  The best thing about Halloween is       seeing my kiddos enjoy it. They have such a blast in their costumes, and practicing saying trick-or-treat!! Can't wait for the actual day!

Happy Halloween! Hope you play along!
6.  The worst thing about Halloween is        when it falls on a weeknight


monica said...

have a great halloween...and weekend!


meghan said...

i have to agree with you, halloween on a weeknight is horrible. hope you have a great weekend ... i look forward to following you blog :)