Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Puppy play date

As I mentioned earlier, Gracen is desperate for a puppy. But since it's not in the budget, and just not a priority right now, we had a puppy play date!

Chase me puppy!

Aunt Jaime came to town for Easter, and brought her puppy with her. So last Thursday she came to Topeka for Gracen's birthday and brought the puppy to play! Gracen ate it up. They chased each other in the back yard for quite some time, and wore each other out. That morning the puppy had a play date with Aunt Nanie's puppy, so Gigi (Jaime's puppy) was already worn out and the poor thing just wanted to sleep. That did not stop Gracen. She was all about the hugs and kisses and did get nipped a couple of times. That didn't stop her. And on a side note it was her fault, she likes to pull tails and squeeze a little too hard. Another reason it's not quite time for a puppy! Needless to say hopefully she got her puppy fix. If not, we're headed to KC this weekend and she'll get plenty of play time with Aunt Nanie's puppy Scout. Here's a few pix from the adventure, soo fun to watch. Good thing we have a fenced in yard!

It was unfortunately super windy

Showin the puppy some love

Hadley wasn't quite sure what to think of the puppy, another excuse to wait to get one!

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